Excel Formulas doubts


Viewed 95 times


I’m in doubt and I don’t know if there’s any function like that. I have this table


and I have a place where I will see a result for example:


And I want that table to tell me the highest value after the 1,200,000,00 With the higher function does not work.

  • 2

    The subject of this question has been chosen by the community as part of our scope, and therefore should not be closed. Anyone who wishes to give their opinion may vote for or against the following publication: Questions about using Excel or similar: Libreoffice Calc and Openoffice Calc.

  • @Math is not part of the scope yet. The vote is not clear. I did jump not to interfere, since I am in favor of the subject, but is not in the scope.

  • 1

    @Jorgeb. I don’t understand why you’re not in our scope, could you explain? In the vote it has three times more votes in favour than against, for me this is a clear sign that the majority is in favour of this subject.

  • @Math has not been added to the main post. As far as I know only the ones that are there are within the scope.

  • 1

    Just like @Math, I also think that question is in the scope. I only saw that it had been closed today, but I voted to reopen.

1 answer


If I understand correctly you have a list of values


And a key value X. You want to return the lowest value that is greater than X. Correct? If X is 4, you want the 5.

Use the following:


Calculate the minimum element in the list of elements that are larger than B1.

But important: This is a matrix formula. When you finish typing press Ctrl+Shift+Enter instead of just Enter.

Source: http://spreadsheets.about.com/od/excel2010functions/qt/2010-04-26-excel-2010-max-function.htm

  • 1

    Further information on matrix formulas: http://www.ambienteoffice.com.br/excel/formulas_matriciais/

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