How to make minimized element or hidden on site?


Viewed 139 times


What is the name so that I can search as it does, of those items in html that appear minimized in the page. for example:

on an html site on your home on the right side near the window bar has a cropped image that when you click on it it slides to the left and shows it complete.

In case it’s not clear, I’ll look for a website with this and post the image. Thank you

  • 1

    That’s not a navbar? I think the picture is clearer.

  • So, it’s like the Nav bar dropdown, but in case it would be the right of the page and kind of would be hidden. I’ll look for the image

1 answer


You can use css and jquery, I’ll give an example here, in this example when clicking on the div it appears on the screen.

First you "hide" it using css:

  width: 100px;
  height: 100px;
  border:1px solid #f00;
  margin-top: -90px;

And then you show using jquery:

  $( ".janela" ).click(function() {
      marginTop: 0
    }, 1500 );



This way the screen appears when clicking and hides while clicking again, it checks the margin-top and performs the action:

  $(".janela").click(function() {
    var pos = parseInt($(this).css('margin-top').replace("px", ""));
        if(pos == 0){
        marginTop: -90
      }, 1500 );
        marginTop: 0
      }, 1500 );


  • look just young! rsr is just what I wanted! thanks

  • a code to hide again would look like @Wictor

  • I made the change with the reply.

  • Thanks myth! one day I get there rsrs

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