err_too_many_redirects only in production environment


Viewed 92 times


I have an app that pays some employees.

On the screen it comes selected from the current month, not to need to select, but if you have mtos data on screen it while processing brings

"The page is not working

Excess redirection by ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS"

Could it have something to do with the memory burst? Because in my test environment works perfectly with the full screen, but in the client environment does not.

  • Tell us more about how you use redirect

  • I was able to fix it. It was a property of the server that prevented sending data...

  • Yeah, this is kind of a safety catch, imagine if we create a page that keeps redirecting each other indefinitely. The server would crash. Now that you’ve found a solution to your problem, post an answer to help someone who might suffer from the same thing!!

  • That really was it, I changed the security of my server and it worked. I hit my head for almost a month, sent msg on several forums, no answers. I decided when contacting the server support, should have made it first.

  • Great, but answer your question with what was done to help the next :)

  • It’s a paid server configuration I use on their configuration screen! The problem was not in the system, but in the configuration of the paid server that hosts my system. There is a configuration panel, where I disabled in the security a Modsecurity. is specific of the hosting

  • I am asking you to detail this in a reply, not in comment, I don’t know exactly what set up in your hosting, but the idea is not just solve your problem, but if it happens to someone like it will :)

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