How do I change Image via VBA


Viewed 2,117 times


Hello I would like to change an image in Power Point, I I don’t want to delete and insert another, but do what the command indicated in the image does. Would anyone know what to call this method???


2 answers


Change Image is not exposed in object model, then a User Defined Function (UDF) can be created to solve this problem with a custom function.


Function pseudo_alterar_imagem(caminho As String)
    'John SR Wilson
    On Error GoTo err
    Dim oImg As Shape
    Dim osld As Slide
    Dim novaImg As Shape
    Dim ehImg As Boolean
    Dim ehAlto As Boolean
    Set oImg = ActiveWindow.Selection.ShapeRange(1)
    Set osld = oImg.Parent
    If oImg.Type = msoPicture Or oImg.Type = msoLinkedPicture Then ehImg = True
    If oImg.Type = msoPlaceholder Then
        If oImg.PlaceholderFormat.ContainedType = msoPicture Or oImg.PlaceholderFormat.ContainedType = msoLinkedPicture Then
            ehImg = True
        End If
    End If
    If Not ehImg Then
        err.Raise Number:=vbObjectError + 1000, Description:="Seleção não é imagem"
        Exit Function
    End If
    If oImg.Height >= oImg.Width Then ehAlto = True
    Set novaImg = osld.Shapes.AddPicture(caminho, msoFalse, msoTrue, 0, 0, -1, -1)
    novaImg.LockAspectRatio = True                'should already be set but worth checking
    If novaImg.Height >= novaImg.Width And ehAlto = True Then
        novaImg.Height = oImg.Height
        novaImg.Top = oImg.Top
        novaImg.Left = oImg.Left + oImg.Width / 2 - novaImg.Width / 2
        novaImg.Width = oImg.Width
        novaImg.Left = oImg.Left
        novaImg.Top = oImg.Top + oImg.Height / 2 - novaImg.Height / 2
    End If
    Exit Function
    MsgBox err.Description
End Function


Where the desired image should be selected.

Sub teste()
    pseudo_alterar_imagem ("C:\Pasta de Testes\imagem.jpeg")
End Sub

If you want to select an image from a specific Slide

In this example Slide 1

Sub teste()
    For Each sh In ActivePresentation.Slides(1).Shapes
        If sh.Type = msoPicture Or sh.Type = msoLinkedPicture Then sh.Select
    Next sh
    pseudo_alterar_imagem ("C:\Pasta de Testes\imagem.jpeg")
End Sub

If you want to select an image from the Active Slide

Sub teste()
    For Each sh In ActivePresentation.Slides(ActiveWindow.View.Slide.SlideNumber).Shapes
        If sh.Type = msoPicture Or sh.Type = msoLinkedPicture Then sh.Select
    Next sh
    pseudo_alterar_imagem ("C:\Pasta de Testes\imagem.jpeg")
End Sub


Good morning Rodolfo

The command to call this function in VBA is


It serves both Powerpoint as Excel and Word.

  • I could not do this in Power Point 1- "xlDialogInsertPicture" is only for Excel; 2- the ". Dialogs" method does not exist in Powerpoint.

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