Select only a few columns from Hibernate-mapped objects


Viewed 177 times


How can I select only a few fields of a related object ?

How it works (taking everything):

            List<Participante> participantes = this.entityManager.createQuery("SELECT a "
                + " FROM Participante a WHERE a.pessoa_id = :pessoa "
                + "AND a.motivo_id = :motivo")
                .setParameter("pessoa", pessoa).setParameter("motivo", motivo).getResultList();

As I have tried:

            List<Participante> participantes = this.entityManager.createQuery("SELECT "
                + "new Evento(, a.evento_id.nome, "
                + "new Pessoa(, a.evento_id.criador_id.nome)) "
                + " FROM Participante a WHERE a.pessoa_id = :pessoa "
                + "AND a.motivo_id = :motivo")
                .setParameter("pessoa", pessoa).setParameter("motivo", motivo).getResultList();

With the constructor it does not present any error, without constructor it presents me error that could not map the object.

How do I turn my Participants into Objects (the 1 shown works):

    public List<Evento> pegaEventos(List<Participante> participantes) {
    List<Evento> eventos = new ArrayList<Evento>();
    try {
        for(Participante participante : participantes) {
            System.err.println("Evento ID: " + participante.getEvento_id().getId());
        return eventos;
    } catch (Exception e) {

        return null;

Modelo Evento:

@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
private int id;

private String nome;

private String descricao;

private double preco;

private int idade;

private int minpessoas;

private int maxpessoas;

private Timestamp inicio;

private Timestamp fim;

private Timestamp criacao;

private Categoria categoria;

private String endereco;

private Pessoa criador_id;

private boolean desativado;

Modelo Pessoa:

@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
private int id;

private String nome;

private String sobrenome;

private String email;

private String senha;

private String telefone;

private String endereco;

private Localizacao localizacao;

private Timestamp login;

private Timestamp registro;

private Timestamp aniversario;

private int isAdm;

private boolean desativado;

private double nota;
  • You said that with the class builder Evento and Pessoa no error. But it works? You can catch instantiated objects?

  • I have a Try Catch, which if any error occurs, it plays to displays the error in the console and returns null, if it is null, the entire application is canceled

  • Therefore, it does not arrive even in the return functionListEvents, which there has a sysout of the event id

  • You can’t put a breakpoint and check why it’s wrong within of the builder?

  • One thing that I find strange, is that in the other 2 (No constructor and everything) presents the SQL in the Console, with the constructor no. So, and the same builder, I use elsewhere.

  • I put breakpoint and nothing, no error for me, just does not display sql

  • Maybe you need to put the complete path of the class when instantiating with the new, take an example from me : hql1.append("SELECT new

  • It didn’t work, I put: new, a.evento_id.nome, ...)

  • You put in the new Pessoa( too? Although you can put that instantiation within constructor method, no need to call query.

  • I put it in the query and not in the constructor

  • Pass all attributes through the constructor, within the Event constructor you create Person.

  • Let me see if I understand. Don’t put new Person inside the query, put inside the constructor inside the Model ? Ex: Evento (int id, ..., new Pessoa(int id)) e dentro dele: this.pessoa = pessoa ? Or Evento(int id, ... pessoa) { this.pessoa = new Pessoa(...) } ?

  • That, you will pass the person parameter in the constructor (new, nome, idPessoa, nomePessoa)) and within the constructor method in the class Evento will make the new Pessoa(idPessoa, nomePessoa).

  • It is not worked, it continues not even presenting SQL in the Console... My temporary solution is to take everything, and when returning the object, I use constructors to 'format' and pass only part of this information

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