How can I select only a few fields of a related object ?
How it works (taking everything):
List<Participante> participantes = this.entityManager.createQuery("SELECT a "
+ " FROM Participante a WHERE a.pessoa_id = :pessoa "
+ "AND a.motivo_id = :motivo")
.setParameter("pessoa", pessoa).setParameter("motivo", motivo).getResultList();
As I have tried:
List<Participante> participantes = this.entityManager.createQuery("SELECT "
+ "new Evento(a.evento_id.id, a.evento_id.nome, "
+ "new Pessoa(a.evento_id.criador_id.id, a.evento_id.criador_id.nome)) "
+ " FROM Participante a WHERE a.pessoa_id = :pessoa "
+ "AND a.motivo_id = :motivo")
.setParameter("pessoa", pessoa).setParameter("motivo", motivo).getResultList();
With the constructor it does not present any error, without constructor it presents me error that could not map the object.
How do I turn my Participants into Objects (the 1 shown works):
public List<Evento> pegaEventos(List<Participante> participantes) {
List<Evento> eventos = new ArrayList<Evento>();
try {
for(Participante participante : participantes) {
System.err.println("Evento ID: " + participante.getEvento_id().getId());
return eventos;
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
Modelo Evento:
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
private int id;
private String nome;
private String descricao;
private double preco;
private int idade;
private int minpessoas;
private int maxpessoas;
private Timestamp inicio;
private Timestamp fim;
private Timestamp criacao;
private Categoria categoria;
private String endereco;
private Pessoa criador_id;
private boolean desativado;
Modelo Pessoa:
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
private int id;
private String nome;
private String sobrenome;
private String email;
private String senha;
private String telefone;
private String endereco;
private Localizacao localizacao;
private Timestamp login;
private Timestamp registro;
private Timestamp aniversario;
private int isAdm;
private boolean desativado;
private double nota;
You said that with the class builder
no error. But it works? You can catch instantiated objects?– Gustavo Cinque
I have a Try Catch, which if any error occurs, it plays to displays the error in the console and returns null, if it is null, the entire application is canceled
– Felipe Junges
Therefore, it does not arrive even in the return functionListEvents, which there has a sysout of the event id
– Felipe Junges
You can’t put a breakpoint and check why it’s wrong within of the builder?
– Gustavo Cinque
One thing that I find strange, is that in the other 2 (No constructor and everything) presents the SQL in the Console, with the constructor no. So, and the same builder, I use elsewhere.
– Felipe Junges
I put breakpoint and nothing, no error for me, just does not display sql
– Felipe Junges
Maybe you need to put the complete path of the class when instantiating with the
, take an example from me :hql1.append("SELECT new br.com.app.vo.DocumentoVO(...
– Gustavo Cinque
It didn’t work, I put:
new br.com.felipejunges.juntos.modelo.Evento( a.evento_id.id, a.evento_id.nome, ...)
– Felipe Junges
You put in the
new Pessoa(
too? Although you can put that instantiation within constructor method, no need to call query.– Gustavo Cinque
I put it in the query and not in the constructor
– Felipe Junges
Pass all attributes through the constructor, within the Event constructor you create Person.
– Gustavo Cinque
Let me see if I understand. Don’t put new Person inside the query, put inside the constructor inside the Model ? Ex:
Evento (int id, ..., new Pessoa(int id)) e dentro dele: this.pessoa = pessoa
? OrEvento(int id, ... pessoa) { this.pessoa = new Pessoa(...) }
?– Felipe Junges
That, you will pass the person parameter in the constructor (
new br.com.pasta.Evento(id, nome, idPessoa, nomePessoa)
) and within the constructor method in the classEvento
will make thenew Pessoa(idPessoa, nomePessoa)
.– Gustavo Cinque
It is not worked, it continues not even presenting SQL in the Console... My temporary solution is to take everything, and when returning the object, I use constructors to 'format' and pass only part of this information
– Felipe Junges