Android Holo Theme on Android 8 featuring a blue frame on the layout


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I’m using the theme Theme.Holo.Wallpaper.Notitlebar in my app using IBM Mobile First, but on Android 8 the webview is featuring a blue frame over the entire layout. This occurs only on the webview and not on other activities and only on Android 8. If anyone can suggest how to remove this frame I thank you. Thank you

Manifest: android:Theme="@android:style/Theme.Holo.Wallpaper.Notitlebar"

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • Lucas, we are at the Brazilian forum, please translate your question and if possible put part of your code where you are facing problem

  • we are at Stackoverflow in English translate the question please

  • It usually turns blue like this when it has a link, it doesn’t have any <a> tag that wasn’t closed in HTML?

  • I came to test only with the same html body, with nothing inside and the same occurred :/ And changing the Android theme for one that is not Holo works normal

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