Block access to files from certain directories if not authenticated


Viewed 1,469 times


How to block the access of certain directories if it is not authenticated?

For example

I have my url

User is not yet authenticated

So I don’t want it to be able to access any . js, image, . css file from the directory

Would have as?

  • I believe that in an easy way would not have, can do this easily by htaccess, by . net might be able to make a page it manages as if it were a tree (mapping) of folders and files and lock files by htaccess,

1 answer


Add in your web.config file the following directive:

<location path="Caminho/Para/Pasta/Publica">
        <deny users="?"/>


  • location.path is the location/folder you want to lock;
  • deny.users="?" blocks the access of anonymous users.


For your case, you could deny everything and then release only what users can access. See an example:

<location path="Content">
        <deny users="?"/>

<location path="Content/Arquivo.js">
        <allow users="*"/>

In this case the first directive blocks all users to access the folder Content. The second allows only the file Arquivo.js.

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