Traffic Light Problems (Readers and Writers)


Viewed 595 times


I am trying to implement the problem of readers and writers in Java, and for this I am basing myself on the method used by Tanenbaum in the book Operating Systems. With only one writer thread and one reader the program works well, the problem is that when I create more than one reader thread the program goes into a kind of infinite loop and stops printing on the screen. Could you tell me where the problem is?

public class Principal {

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    Semaphore mutex = new Semaphore(1);
    Semaphore db = new Semaphore(1);
    int rc = 0;

    Escritores e1 = new Escritores(db, mutex);
    Leitores l1 = new Leitores(db, mutex, rc);
    Leitores l2 = new Leitores(db, mutex, rc);



public class Escritores extends Thread {
  Semaphore db;
  Semaphore mutex;
  int rc;

  public Escritores(Semaphore db, Semaphore mutex){
    this.db = db;
    this.mutex = mutex;

  public void run(){
        try {
            Thread.sleep(this.aleatoriar(0, 100));
        } catch (InterruptedException ex) {
            Logger.getLogger(Escritores.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);


  public int aleatoriar(int minimo, int maximo) {
    Calendar lCDateTime = Calendar.getInstance();
    return (int)(lCDateTime.getTimeInMillis() % (maximo - minimo + 1) + minimo);

public class Leitores extends Thread {
  Semaphore db;
  Semaphore mutex;
  int rc;

  public Leitores(Semaphore db, Semaphore mutex, int rc){
    this.db = db;
    this.mutex = mutex;
    this.rc = rc;

  public void run(){
        try {
            Thread.sleep(this.aleatoriar(0, 100));
            this.rc = this.rc + 1;
            if(this.rc == 1){
            this.rc = this.rc - 1;
            if(this.rc == 0){
        } catch (InterruptedException ex) {
            Logger.getLogger(Leitores.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);

  public int aleatoriar(int minimo, int maximo) {
    Calendar lCDateTime = Calendar.getInstance();
    return (int)(lCDateTime.getTimeInMillis() % (maximo - minimo + 1) + minimo);
  • Can reading be parallel? Can it be dirty? Does writing need to be consistent? Are there writings in different places? Writer may die from stratvation? Requests are queued? Or who knows stacked? Or reading always has priority? Or writing always has priority? All the answers to these questions imply different solutions to the problem of readers and writers

  • You did not add @Override before the run method. For the algorithm to be implemented concurrently it is important to have this annotation.

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