List items of an object in Pug JS, with Node and Mongo


Viewed 129 times


I’m setting up a store, using Keystone JS, installed the dependencies Pug JS and Mongodb.

I created a model that is pointing to a view, called Tour.JS

The problem is that I couldn’t efficiently list all the items that are in the Mongodb model.

var keystone = require('keystone');
var Types = keystone.Field.Types;

 * User Tour
 * ==========

 var Tour = new keystone.List('Tour', {
        autokey: { from: 'nome_do_passeio', path: 'key', unique: true, Singular:'Passeio', Plural: 'Passeios'},

   nome_do_passeio: {type: String, label:"Nome do Passeio", initial:true},
   image: { type: Types.CloudinaryImage },
   category: { type: Types.Select, options: 'barco, vinícola', label:"Categoria", initial:true},
     custo: { type: Types.Money, format: '$0.0,00', label:"Valor", initial:true },
     data_do_passeio: { type: Types.Date, yearRange:(2000,2100), format: ('Do MMMM YYYY'), default:, label:"Data do Passeio", initial:true },
     descricao_passeio: {  type: Types.Html, wysiwyg: true, height: 200, label: "Descrição do Passeio"},
   incluido: {  type: Types.Html, wysiwyg: true, height: 200, label: "O que está incluído"},
   cidade: { type: String, required: false, index: true, label:"Cidade" }

 Tour.defaultSort = Tour.data_do_passeio;
 Tour.defaultColumns = 'nome_do_passeio, custo, cidade, category, data_do_passeio';

And I would like to list all the tours that are available in my database.

But I am using Pug JS, and could not list according to the amount of tours available.

extends ../layouts/default

block content

        h1 Passeio
            if !data.tour
                h2 Passeio inválido
                each tr in data.tour
                    h2= nome_do_passeio

Tour.js in "Routes/views"

var keystone = require('keystone');

exports = module.exports = function(req, res) {
  var view = new keystone.View(req, res);
  var locals = res.locals;

  // Set locals
  locals.section = 'store';
  locals.filters = {
    tour: req.params.tour
  } = {

view.on('init', function(next){
  var q = keystone.list('Tour').model.findOne({
    slug: locals.filters.tour

  q.exec(function(err, result){ = result;

  // Render View

Surely I am doing something wrong, problem that I could not so far list all the tours using the Pug JS.

I tried in a new way.

- var qtd_nome_do_passeio = data.tour
each tr in qtd_nome_do_passeio
h2= JSON.stringify(data.tour.nome_do_passeio)

But he printed several times "Boat Ride", which is the result of the first object of the date.tour.path_name, but did not print the next in the loop.

JSON.stringif result of the date.tour

{"_id":"59f76221da96af24235f06db","key":"passeio-de-barco","nome_do_passeio":"Passeio de Barco","__v":0,"category":"barco","cidade":"Florianópolis","custo":150,"descricao_passeio":"<p><span style=\"font-family: 'Open Sans', Arial, sans-serif; text-align: justify;\">On the other hand, we denounce with righteous indignation and dislike men who are so beguiled and demoralized by the charms of pleasure of the moment</span></p>","incluido":"<p>Teste</p>","data_do_passeio":"2017-10-30T03:00:00.000Z","image":{"public_id":"o59xhtyonz6jrwts18q3","version":1509386166,"signature":"f5d2343a70a9d1ae25781d5c2ced4934a1b3e4c3","width":800,"height":528,"format":"jpg","resource_type":"image","url":"","secure_url":""}}
  • Ok, now JSON is already in the question. This json is only of one object, there is nothing to iterate there... this is the result of JSON.stringify(data.tour)? So on Node.js how do you pass the data for Pug? can show how you create this variable data?

  • I put in question the file Tour.js in "Routes/views".

  • Okay, what if you put it the way it was .findOne use the .find()?

  • 1


1 answer


Usa .findOne( instead of .findOne( in Mongodb and then with this array can iterate like this:

each tr in data.tour
    h2= tr.nome_do_passeio
    p= tr.descricao_passeio
    p Custo: #{tr.custo}

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