Inserting image with Jasperreport via parameters


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I am learning a little about Jasper/ireport and am having some problems generating a report with an image.

I followed some tutorials that I found on the Internet but I’m making a mistake that I’m not seeing. My test report is extremely simple. It contains only one image. I am compiling the report and passing my image by parameter, but when Gero the pdf from the report what appears is


see my code :

public class ReportGenerator {

 * gera o relatório.
 * @param image {@link BufferedImage}
public void generateReport(BufferedImage image){
    try {
        InputStream input = toStream(image);
        Projeto projeto = new Projeto();
        List<Projeto> lista = new ArrayList<Projeto>();

        Map parameter = new HashMap();

        ClassLoader classLoader = getClass().getClassLoader();    
        InputStream inputStream = classLoader.getResourceAsStream("report1.jrxml");  
        JasperReport jasper = JasperCompileManager.compileReport(inputStream);

        JasperPrint print = JasperFillManager.fillReport(jasper, parameter, new JRBeanCollectionDataSource(lista));
        JasperExportManager.exportReportToPdfFile(print, "RelatorioClientes.pdf");
    } catch (JRException e) {

 * Converte um {@link BufferedImage} em {@link InputStream}
 * @param image {@link BufferedImage}
 * @return {@link InputStream}
private InputStream toStream(BufferedImage image){
    try {
        ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
        ImageIO.write(image, "png", bos);
        byte[] vetor = bos.toByteArray();
        InputStream input = new ByteArrayInputStream(vetor);
        return input;
    } catch (IOException e) {
        return null;


This Project class has as an attribute only an inputStream representing the image, and its get/set methods.

In ireport I created an image attribute and in your Expression class I define as Inputstream. and in the image Expression I define the IMAGE parameter I created.

Someone can help me?

thank you

PS: I’m adding prints the way I set up the report in ireport


Campo Image

  • The problem is in the report. If this is appearing it is because the method toString of the image object is being called. Probably you are using a field TextField to try to display the image or selected the wrong type in the image component as it is possible to use InputStream, File` and some others. Finally, make sure you are actually using an image component and if you have selected the correct type you are passing to it.

  • utluiz, I’m not using a textField field. I added an image field with no selected image, to pass the image through the Parameter. I attached the print the way I configured it in ireport. Thank you for replying!!

4 answers


I’ve done it and it always works in a good way.

Broad lines for this:

  • The field that will display the image in the report should be of the type : java.awt.Image

    Tipo da Field

    inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • Then you only need to send the reference of the same type (java.awt.Image).

This has worked perfectly, any doubt, gives a hint.


I’ll leave some possibilities, your method getimage() will have to return a inputStream, for example:

parameter.put("IMAGE",new FileInputStream("C:/suaPasta/suaImagem.jpg"));


parameter.put("IMAGE",new ByteArrayInputStream(Base64.getDecoder().decode(suaImgEmBase64))); 

The mistake usually happens if you are passing a parameter in the map of one kind and in the report are expecting another.


I went through the same problem, so I solved it this way:

<image hAlign="Right" vAlign="Middle">
    <reportElement style="StyleSeta" x="1236" y="1" width="10" height="16" uuid="5c3ba9a6-9116-47af-b4c8-231df22634e7">
        <property name="" value="pixel"/>
    <imageExpression><![CDATA[$V{caminhoImagem} + "SetaCrescimentoOperacional.png"]]></imageExpression>

I got added the image element in my report, and in your image Expression I pass the image path within my project, in my case the variable is:

$V{caminhoImagem} = "http://localhost:8080/RelatoriosWEB/

And concateno with the name of the image "SetaCrescimentoOperacional.png"

Then the PNG image on the way: "http://localhost:8080/RelatoriosWEB/"SetaCrescimentoOperacional.png" will be added to your report.


if it is a java project, it is possible to pass only the image path inside your Resources that it also finds when compiling your jrxml.


String logoPath = getClass().getResource("/images/logo.jpg");
params.put("logo", logoPath);

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