Query for searching with multiple tables


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I need to search the data of a table of processes, and of other 2 tables one of authors and defendants of the process, the doubt is how to search in grouped form that I can go through with foreach to fill a report, I am using the Laravel, list of tables and how it should look in the report.

$processos = Processo::join('autores', 'autores.processo_id', 'processos.id')
        ->join('reus', 'reus.processo_id', 'processos.id')
        ->join('pessoas', 'autores.pessoa_id', 'pessoas.id')
        ->join('pessoas', 'reus.pessoa_id', 'pessoas.id')
        ->select('pessoas.nome as nome_pessoa', 'processos.*', 'autores.*', 'reus.*')->get();

Of that mistake: SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1066 Not unique table/alias: pessoas (SQL: select pessoas.nome as nome_pessoa, processos.*, autores.*, reus.* from processos inner join autores on processo.processo_id = processos.id inner join reus_processo on reus.processo_id = processos.id inner join pessoas on autores.pessoa_id = pessoas.id inner join pessoas on reus.pessoa_id = pessoas.id)

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • Put the class code too.

  • What class? you say the controller?

  • No, your model classes: Processo, Pessoas, Reus and Autores

  • Your table has a date, but your bank model doesn’t! Maybe you need to load the information and then unite it according to a criterion, only bank result in these relationships seems to me quite complicated, at least I think...

  • Using the Laravel ORM concepts you can achieve the goal. See this example. https://github.com/GeekSilva97/laravel-orm

1 answer


Before implementing in Laravel you need to understand a little more about database relationships.

In the relation Defendant-Process and Plaintiff-Process you have relationship N:N, therefore it would be necessary to create an intermediate table, as processes_reus and processes_authors. As an example, the table processos_reus would have the id, processo_id (foreign) and reu_id (foreign).

Here is an example of Migration:

Schema::create('processos_reus', function (Blueprint $table) {


Created the tables, you will need to do the relationship on Laravel to pull the information you need into just one variable. You can see an example here.

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