Multiple Nvironment Portable


Viewed 309 times


How do I create multiple Nvironment and mute at runtime the Nvironment I’m using in Laravel 5.5?

1 answer


According to the documentation, you can create manual checks of which environment is through the method App::envinroment().

For example:

if (App::environment('local')) {
    // Ambiente local

if (App::environment(['local', 'staging'])) {
    // Ambiente de Teste!

Via the variable APP_ENV, you can change the name of the environment you want to use.

For example:


There is still a way to force the artisanrunning with certain environment configuration, which is via the option --env.

php artisan --env=testing

It seems that the solution adopted in some versions of Laravel 5.* is to manually overwrite the file .env manually. You can do this in Appserviceprovider by checking for example if a particular file exists to apply the modifications.


$testing = '.env.testing';

if (File::exists(base_path($testing)) {

   $dotenv = new \Dotenv\Dotenv(base_path(), $testing);

Observing: Dotenv\Dotenv is the class responsible for loading the values of .env.

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