How to create a cron in Laravel?


Viewed 13,616 times


I have to create a Cron on Laravel to send emails every 24 hours. I’m supposed to upload data from the bank. So after a query in the database cron should send the email with the query data.

  • One of the options would be to work with Task Scheduling. Documentation: Check this answer here at Stackoverflow:

1 answer


To create CRON in the follow the following steps:

First create a command as follows:

php artisan make:command ExampleCron --command=example:cron 

inside that file that was created in the folder app/Console/Commands/ExampleCron.php.

namespace App\Console\Commands;
use Illuminate\Console\Command;
use DB;
class ExampleCron extends Command
    protected $signature = 'example:cron';
    protected $description = 'Command E-mail';
    public function __construct()
    // aqui você coloca a lógica do seu processo
    // pode utilizar todos os recursos do Laravel
    public function handle()
        \DB::table('emails')->get(); // pega os e-mails
        // siga o código de sua preferencia
        // executando as funções de envio de e-mail
        $this->info('Example Cron comando rodando com êxito');

Change the variables $signature and $description as an example and in the method handle() the logic of the process.

Second, to register this command enter folder and file app/Console/Kernel.php and open the Kernel.php to add to array of $commands add the command servant.

namespace App\Console;
use Illuminate\Console\Scheduling\Schedule;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Console\Kernel as ConsoleKernel;
class Kernel extends ConsoleKernel
     * The Artisan commands provided by your application.
     * @var array
    protected $commands = [
     * Define the application's command schedule.
     * @param  \Illuminate\Console\Scheduling\Schedule  $schedule
     * @return void
    protected function schedule(Schedule $schedule)

        $schedule->command('example:cron')->daily(); // email diários

Third, now add this line to your file cron

* * * * * php /path/to/artisan schedule:run 1>> /dev/null 2>&1

Can be configured in various ways and several hours, frame example:

Schedule Frequency Options

Method Description
->cron('* * * * * *'); Run the task on a custom Cron Schedule
->everyMinute(); Run the task Every minute
->everyFiveMinutes(); Run the task Every five minutes
->everyTenMinutes(); Run the task Every ten minutes
->everyFifteenMinutes(); Run the task Every Fifteen minutes
->everyThirtyMinutes(); Run the task Every Thirty minutes
->hourly(); Run the task Every hour
->hourlyAt(17); Run the task Every hour at 17 mins Past the hour
->daily(); Run the task Every day at Midnight
->dailyAt('13:00'); Run the task Every day at 13:00
->twiceDaily(1, 13); Run the task Daily at 1:00 & 13:00
->weekly(); Run the task Every week
->monthly(); Run the task Every Month
->monthlyOn(4, '15:00'); Run the task Every Month on the 4th at 15:00
->quarterly(); Run the task Every Quarter
->yearly(); Run the task Every year
->timezone('America/New_York'); Set the Timezone


Example: obtained and referenced in the link (source: http:/

Your question has email, here on the site already has a minimum example, follows the same logic, follow this basic example that can help you understand the process.


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