Date in Portuguese returning in English


Viewed 834 times


I am using this code to return the current date in English (locally):

setlocale(LC_ALL, 'pt_BR', 'pt_BR.utf-8', 'pt_BR.utf-8', 'portuguese');
echo utf8_encode(strftime('%A, %d de %B de %Y', strtotime('today')));
//domingo, 22 de outubro de 2017

However in production is returning, changing this line, otherwise does not load, so I removed the utf8_encode:

echo strftime('%A, %d de %B de %Y', strtotime('today'));

Sunday, 22 de October de 2017

The server operating system is America/Sao_Paulo

Any hint?

2 answers


Actually the error occurs in the operating system:

I solved by changing the language with the following command on promt debian:

export LANG=pt_BR.UTF-8

Here’s the tip, I’ve tried so many ways.


One way to solve the problem is also to use a class that translates the string Mes.

Create a date array with the function explode php native.

$data = explode('/', date('d/m/Y'));

and then take this array and print the current month.


function Mes($nomemes, $formato = 'extenso'){
$formatoValido = array('extenso', 'abreviado');

if(!in_array($formato, $formatoValido)){
    return "Formato de data invalido";

$mes = array(
1 => array(
    'abreviado' => 'Jan',
    'extenso'   => 'Janeiro'
2 => array(
    'abreviado' => 'Fev',
    'extenso'   => 'Fevereiro'
3 => array(
    'abreviado' => 'Mar',
    'extenso'   => 'Março'
4 => array(
    'abreviado' => 'Abr',
    'extenso'   => 'Abril'
5 => array(
    'abreviado' => 'Mai',
    'extenso'   => 'Maio'
6 => array(
    'abreviado' => 'Jun',
    'extenso'   => 'Junho'
7 => array(
    'abreviado' => 'Jul',
    'extenso'   => 'Julho'
8 => array(
    'abreviado' => 'Ago',
    'extenso'   => 'Agosto'
9 => array(
    'abreviado' => 'Set',
    'extenso'   => 'Setembro'
10 => array(
    'abreviado' => 'Out',
    'extenso'   => 'Outubro'
11 => array(
    'abreviado' => 'Nov',
    'extenso'   => 'Novembro'
12 => array(
    'abreviado' => 'Dez',
    'extenso'   => 'Dezembro'
return $mes[$nomemes][$formato];

In this function I created two ways to call the same string in full and abbreviated as follows

echo "São Paulo, ".$data[0]." de ".Mes($data[1])." de ".$data[2];//string no extenso São Paulo, 22 de Outubro de 2017

And abbreviated value

echo "São Paulo, ".$data[0]." de ".Mes($data[1],'abreviado')." de ".$data[2];// abreviado para São Paulo, 22 de Out de 2017

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