How to pass headers on request with Vue.js 2


Viewed 1,168 times


I need to pass the header Authorization which is located in the localStorage with the key to iflix-user-token, here is my code:

getFilmes: function () {
    this.$http.get(Api.url + '/filme').then(
        response => {
            this.filmes = response.body

I’m using the vue-resource.

1 answer


Taking a look at Vue-Resource documentation, you can pass headers like this:

getFilmes: function () {
    const token = localStorage.getItem('iflix-user-token');
    this.$http.get(Api.url + '/filme', {headers: {'Authorization': token}})
      .then(response => this.filmes = response.body);
  • I searched there even before researching here, but I did not succeed. However, I put Authorization without quotation marks, I will try now and return. Anyway; Thank you very much.

  • @Márciolucas in this case the quotes do not make a difference. Are you sure that is the name of the header you have to send?

  • Yes, absolutely. Really, it didn’t work...

  • @Márciolucas where you read that you need to pass this header?

  • Brother, I managed to find the bug. I passed the header. Solved. Thank you!

  • @Márciolucas great! If the answer helped you can click to mark as accepted.

  • I really wanted to, but since I’m new here my acceptance is not counted.

  • @Márciolucas accept does not depend on the vote. You can take a look here:

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