Android Appbarlayout with tabs


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How can I do the tabs of App Bar Layout be functional?

I believe only the component Tabslayout won’t be enough, so I’m pretty sure I’ll need to use a Viewpager to manage the exchange (Swipe) between the Tabs and with it also comes a Eventlistener (I think this is provided by Viewpager) to be able to observe the tabs exchange action.

So I guess the Viewpager would almost be a Fragment who would receive several places in accordance with the position of the tab.

As far as I know, in order to make tabs all the same, you have to use Gravity Fill to distribute them evenly...

Now, how can I implement the tabs layout similar to the Whatsapp?

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • @ramaral he is like

  • Behold this

  • @ramaral I will take a look as soon as possible and feedback feedback

  • @ramaral I took a look at the link that passed me, until the insertion of tabs I managed, now make the content of them change is that...

  • The contents are Fragments managed by a Viewpager. See here continuation of that tutorial.

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