I created a program in c++ to manipulate matrices,and I divided the source code into 2 files, one with functions and the other with implementation, all functions work correctly, but when starting any function for the second time,returns a float Segmentation error, any function started for 1 time works perfectly,I would like a help, thanks in advance.
#include <iostream>
#include "func.cpp"
using namespace std;
int main()
matriz *m1 = criaMatriz(5,5);
//cout << linhasMatriz(m1) << endl;
//cout << *(*((*m1).mat + 1)) << endl;
//cout << m1 << endl;
cout << acessaMatriz(2,1,m1) << endl;
//cout << m1 << endl;
cout << acessaMatriz(2,1,m1) << endl;
//cout << (*m1).lin << endl;
//cout << linhasMatriz(m1) << endl;
return 0;
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
struct matriz
int lin;
int col;
double **mat;
}typedef matriz;
matriz* criaMatriz(int lin,int col)
matriz *a,b;
a = &b;
(*a).lin = lin;
(*a).col = col;
(*a).mat = new double*[lin];
for(int i = 0;i < lin;i++)
*((*a).mat + i) = new double[col];
return a;
void liberaMatriz(matriz *a)
int lin = (*a).lin;
for(int i = 0;i < lin;i++)
delete[] *((*a).mat + i);
delete[] (*a).mat;
double acessaMatriz(int lin,int col,matriz *a)
return *(*((*a).mat + lin - 1) + col - 1);
void atribuiMatriz(int lin,int col,matriz *a,double comp)
*(*((*a).mat + lin - 1) + col - 1) = comp;
int linhasMatriz(matriz *a)
int lin = (*a).lin;
return lin;
int colunasMatriz(matriz *a)
return (*a).col;
Looking so close, include files
is seriously disheartened. The functioncriaMatriz
is returning a local address which will never work.– Isac
It’s really messed up:
return *(*((*a).mat + lin - 1) + col - 1);
– gfleck