Search XML field information in SQL


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I need to perform a search inside a field where it stores an XML

The XML is from a CT-e and in it has a series of tags and I need to find a data within a specific tag.

Below the structure of the Table

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

XML has the following structure and within it the field I need to query is the tag "Key".

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

It is possible a search, where I return the Keyaccess field but in the WHERE clause I put to fetch the value of the key I’m looking for inside xml?

Thank you very much

2 answers


You’d have to do something like

DECLARE @document varchar(max);  
SELECT @document = '<Header><Header><Username>testeyyytttyyyyyy</Username><chave>ef4dbf9f4b6c80fe03671cc476b29636</chave></Header></Header>';  

  id int,
  xml nvarchar(max)

INSERT INTO @tabela VALUES (1, @document);
SELECT @document = '<Header><Header><Username>testeyyytttyyyyyy</Username><chave>ef4dbf9f4b6c80fe03671cc476b29637</chave></Header></Header>';  
INSERT INTO @tabela VALUES (1, @document);
SELECT @document = '<Header><Header><Username>testeyyytttyyyyyy</Username><chave>ef4dbf9f4b6c80fe03671cc476b29638</chave></Header></Header>';  
INSERT INTO @tabela VALUES (1, @document);

SELECT * FROM @tabela AS t
WHERE 'ef4dbf9f4b6c80fe03671cc476b29636'  = 
(SELECT SUBSTRING(t.xml, (select PATINDEX('%<chave>%', t.xml) + len('<chave>')), 32))

Note that in WHERE I am passing a key to be located in your xml ef4dbf9f4b6c80fe03671cc476b29636

It is necessary that you find it inside your xml so that you can filter it later

(SELECT SUBSTRING(t.xml, (select PATINDEX('%<chave>%', t.xml) + len('<chave>')), 32))

I am using the SUBSTRING that receives 3 parameters the first is its xml field of its table the second the initial index , IE, what I had after the <chave> the third parameter and the size of the string you want, here I am assuming you have a string always the size of 32 characters, if different see how to search for the final index.

  • Just remembering this query depending on the amount of registration will come out expensive to search. maybe it would be better to create a new field with the key value with an index in the field. and update with this select.


Sqlserver has some functions to extract data from tables with xml fields.

I did a test creating a table containing an id field and another to store XML:

create table cte (
    campo_xml XML

Later I included some xml records in the same structure below, only modifying the CTE key:

insert into cte (campo_xml)
values (Cast(
    '<cteProc xmlns="" versao="2.00">
        <protCTe versao="1.03">
                <xMotivo>Autorizado o uso do CT-e</xMotivo>
    </cteProc>' as XML))

Finally I made the query to return the record matches the key in XML:

select * 
from cte
    campo_xml.value('(/cteProc/protCTe/infProt/chCTe)[1]', 'varchar(100)' )='99999994018888000349570040000165560001999999'

To speed up the data query, indexes can be created for this XML field, since you will only need a part of the data. In the Microsoft documentation there is some information about the use and syntax for the creation:

  • 1

    good did not know this.]

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