I have the following JSON document
"descritores": [{
"descritor": "texto..",
"resultado": [{
"MediaTotal": "81,16"
"MediaTotal": "81,16"
"descritor": "Texto 2..",
"resultado": [{
"MediaTotal": "87,01",
"MediaTotal": "87,01",
And I’m showing off like this on Ionic
<ion-item *ngFor="let desc of descritores">
But I’m having trouble showing off desc.resultado.MediaTotal
, which is an array that is inside another array, as I do to display.
Actually the value of Mediatotal will be different for each one, the ones I put there were just as an example. So Mediatotal can appear 1 or N times. How do I display all of them?
– Leysson guimarães
I updated the reply @Leyssonguimarães
– BrTkCa
Thanks for the help. I was breaking my head to finish a module of my app. vlw msm guys
– Rafael Reis