Error while trying to open an Excel file


Viewed 299 times


I am trying to open a document in excel via vbScript. I am not succeeding in running, the following error is generated, without description:


The problem occurs when executing the following command:

Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")    
Set objWorkbook = objExcel.Workbooks.Open (Caminho)


I’m trying to access a file that’s on the network.

  • Read this reference, in which it is written that: " Type -2147417851 (80010105) Errors are usually caused by not having permission to open the file." . If you test this file locally, does the code work? And what version of excel is being used?

  • And recently I answered a similar issue, but with another mistake. If this code does not work locally, check the answer to understand how to correctly declare and enable references.

  • I tested locally and still error occurs. The excel version is 12.0 for Office 2007

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