SQL does not return all table records


Viewed 51 times


My application consists of an html page in which the user informs the code of a product, the quantity, and it is shown below. Behold, if I add a product, it is inserted but does not return. And when I continue to add items, only the following records are listed.


echo $ID_PEDIDO =  $_SESSION['novo_id'];

//Início da listagem
$servidor = 'localhost';
$usuario = 'root';
$senha = '';
$banco = 'portfolio';

//Sql para listar os produtos adicionados
$comando_sql_listagem = "SELECT * FROM item_pedido INNER JOIN calcado ON item_pedido.ID_CALCADO = calcado.ID_CALCADO WHERE ID_PEDIDO = '".$ID_PEDIDO."' ";  

//Sql para calcular o preço dos produtos
$comando_sql_soma = "SELECT SUM(PRECO) FROM calcado INNER JOIN item_pedido ON calcado.ID_CALCADO = item_pedido.ID_CALCADO WHERE ID_PEDIDO = '".$ID_PEDIDO."' "; 

$link = mysqli_connect($servidor,$usuario,$senha,$banco);

$resultado_listagem = mysqli_query($link,$comando_sql_listagem) or die (mysqli_error($link)); 
$linha  = mysqli_fetch_assoc($resultado_listagem);

$resultado_soma = mysqli_query($link,$comando_sql_soma) or die (mysqli_error($link));
$total  = mysqli_fetch_assoc($resultado_soma);


                while($linha  = mysqli_fetch_assoc($resultado_listagem) ) 
                        <td data-title="ID"><?php echo $linha['ID_CALCADO']; ?></td>
                        <td data-title="NOME"><?php echo $linha['NOME']; ?></td>
                        <td data-title="NOME"><?php echo $linha['TAMANHO']; ?></td>
                        <td data-title="COR"><?php echo $linha['QUANTIDADE']; ?></td>
                        <td data-title="VALOR">R$ <?php echo $linha['PRECO']; ?></td>
                        <td data-title="">
                            <button type="button" class="btn btn-danger" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#excluir" data-cpf="">

                        <td colspan="5">
                                echo "Nenhum produto adicionado";

Entry code in the database:



$comando_sql = "insert into item_pedido (ID_CALCADO,QUANTIDADE,ID_PEDIDO,TAMANHO) values ('".$ID_CALCADO."' , '".$QUANTIDADE."' , '".$ID_PEDIDO."' , '".$TAMANHO."') ";
$nova_conexao = new CONEXAO_BD();
<script type="text/javascript"> 
  • Can Wellingthon give more details?! You can see that where you comment: //Sql to calculate the price of products I believe that if your intention is to add the total order, you also need to consider the quantities... Ex: SELECT SUM(calcado.PRECO * item_pedido.QUANTIDADE) FROM calcado INNER JOIN item_pedido ON...

  • Is the query not being made before the inclusion? What is the code that makes the product insertion?

  • Yes, but if the query is empty, a message appears. Otherwise, the listing (incomplete appears on the screen)

  • Sorry if the question is too stupid, but the item that does not appear is in the two tables, item_pedido and calcado? The query may not be returning the record because of INNER JOIN... On the same line, you can also show the INSERT?

  • You need to put all the code, especially the INSERT part for us to analyze, I believe that the INSERT is being done after the query, so the product inserted is not in the query

  • Yes, the item appears in both tables. In the 'trampled' table the items have already been entered previously, so I use the code above to insert the data in the other table (item_requested). I also suspect that it is INNER JOIN, but I do not know what other query would return me all records

  • Your code should be in the first select: item_request.id_calcado = calcado.id and in the second select: calcado.id = item_request.id_calcado, I ask you to put create table as code to analyze

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