Nfe - ERROR in Addprot (For those who have used Nfephp)


Viewed 117 times


(For those who have used Nfephp)

I’ve done pretty much every step to Generate Nfe:

  1. I created xml in Makenfe
  2. I signed the xml with Subscriberfe
  3. I validated with Validaxml
  4. I sent the Batch to Sefaz with Envialote.php
  5. I consulted the Receipt with the code of the receipt in the Query receipt and it was approved for use

So far so good, but no Addprot is returning the error below and in Testadanfe.php can’t find the file xml in the Addprot using the Receipt and Key of the v the following error is happening:

Warning: DOMDocument::loadXML(): Start tag expected, '<' not found in Entity, line: 1 in /home/MEUSITE/public_html/nota-fiscal/nfephp-master/libs/Common/Dom/Dom.php on line 37

Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'NFePHP\Common\Exception\RuntimeException' with message 'O arquivo indicado não é um XML!' in /home/MEUSITE/public_html/nota-fiscal/nfephp-master/libs/Common/Dom/Dom.php:39 Stack trace: #0 /home/MEUSITE/public_html/nota-fiscal/nfephp-master/libs/NFe/ToolsNFe.php(349): NFePHP\Common\Dom\Dom->loadXMLString('/home/MEUSITE/...') #1 /home/MEUSITE/public_html/4.00testaAddProt.php(24): NFePHP\NFe\ToolsNFe->addProtocolo('/home/MEUSITE/...', '/home/MEUSITE/...', true) #2 {main} thrown in /home/MEUSITE/public_html/Sistema/nota-fiscal/nfephp-master/libs/Common/Dom/Dom.php on line 39

OBS.: The paths are correct, I did not make any changes in XML only made the right procedures.

What am I doing wrong? What is left to generate NFE and the DANFE in PDF? What’s the file for Addprot.php of NFE-PHP?

1 answer


Mate, I went through it, the mistake was:

has to be in my case: $indSinc = '0'; //0=Seamless, 1=Seamless

to get the receipt by taking the generated file after sending the batch

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