Upload photo and json in the same request - Postman


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I’m having trouble sending in the same request a photo and a json by Postman. inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

I need to send the profile photo of the user and at the same time receive a json with the data from it.

 //Instância da entidade Login
        $login = new Login();
        //recuperando o parâmetro objeto login do json
        $fk_login_cidadao = $request->getParam('fk_login_cidadao');
        //setando valores do objeto login
        $login ->setLogin($fk_login_cidadao['login']);
        $login ->setEmail($fk_login_cidadao['email']);
        $login ->setSenha($fk_login_cidadao['senha']);
        $login ->setStatus_login($fk_login_cidadao['status_login']);
        $login ->setAsAdministrador($fk_login_cidadao['administrador']);
        //salvando login
        //buscando login recém salvo
        $loginRepository = $entityManager->getRepository('App\Models\Entity\Login');
        //pegando login
        $loginCidadao = $loginRepository->find($login->getId_login());

        //Salvar foto
        $files = $request->getUploadedFiles();
        $newimage = $files['foto'];

        if ($newimage->getError() === UPLOAD_ERR_OK) {
            $uploadFileName = $newimage->getClientFilename();
            $type = $newimage->getClientMediaType();
            $name = uniqid('img-' . date('d-m-y') . '-');
            $name .= $newimage->getClientFilename();
            //  $imgs[] = array('url' => '/Photos/' . $name);

            //local server


            $photoURL = "C:\Users\jvict\PhpstormProjects\api.webservice\img";#/home/citycare/Imgs/User/$name


        //Instância da entidade Cidadao
        $cidadao = new Cidadao();
        //setando valores do objeto cidadao
        $cidadao ->setFk_login_cidadao($loginCidadao);
        $cidadao ->setSobrenome($request->getParam('sobrenome'));
        $cidadao ->setEstado($request->getParam('estado'));
        $cidadao ->setCidade($request->getParam('cidade'));
        $cidadao ->setDir_foto_usuario($request->getParam($photoURL));
        //retornando confirmação do evento completo
        $return = $response->withJson(["result" => true],201)->withHeader('Content-type', 'application/json');
  • Have you tried to change the content-type to Multipart/form-date? Another solution would be to send the Base64 encoded image inside the JSON with the information and in PHP decode the Base64 and generate the file.

  • with the content-type so n works, I’m getting the img of an android app, so in case p encode p Base64 would be in the app ?

  • Yes, it is possible to encode for Base64 in Java on Android.

  • Thanks friend!

  • The solution worked out?

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