Autofill - How to select the second line


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Guys, I got the following problem:

I’m filling a cell with a formula and I need it to be duplicated for the others. So I’m using the code

Selection.AutoFill Destination:=Range("C2:C329")


Whenever I run this function, I filter the column to display only the #N/D. and then run the code again (with other parameters).

But it will always run the code in this range C2:C329, and it may be that within this range I don’t have the #N/D.

What I need:

I always need to select the second line of the spreadsheet, because the first is static.

tried with the code

ActiveCell.Offset(1, 1).Activate

But to no avail.

Can you help me.

  • I suggest using Excel tables to make your life easier in this case and work with them. I could filter everything you have #N/D and run your code easily using the following module: which has several functions to work with Excel Tables.

2 answers


I’m not quite sure I understood your question, but if you want to leave the variable range according to your filter result, you can replace it:



Destination:=Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown))

Thus, all cells below the active reference will always be selected.

NOTE: I’m assuming you don’t have any blank lines in your selection, as it will be filtered.


if you want to replace cells that have #N/D in a column you can use the following approach:

Note that I am using On Error Resume Nextwhich is not recommended, but it solves your problem by the hour. If you can think of something to circumvent the incompatibility when the code compares "" to an Error it would be a good improvement.

Sub replaceNAs()
  On Error Resume Next 'quando a macro encontrar #N/D o valor não é comparável com "",
  Dim offsetCount As Integer
  Dim ref As Range: Set ref = Range("C2") ' célula de referência
  offsetCount = 0 'valor do offset

  While Not ref.Offset(offsetCount, 0).Value = "" 'enquanto o valor da célula não for vazio
    If Application.WorksheetFunction.IsNA(ref.Offset(offsetCount, 0).Value) Then 'caso seja #N/D
      If ref.Offset(offsetCount, 0).Value = CVErr(xlErrNA) Then
        ref.Offset(offsetCount, 0).FormulaR1C1 = ref.FormulaR1C1 'a célula atual recebe a fórmula da célula de referencia
      End If
    End If
    offsetCount = offsetCount + 1
End Sub
  • I tried here with your suggestion, it worked, but not with the expected result. Is it possible to select a limit for this selection ? As it is applying to all cells in the column. Ex:Up to C329

  • I am trying with the following code Selection.Autofill Destination:=Range(A2, Range("A2").End(xlDown).Select) But unsuccessful as well. The 'Range' method of the_Global object failed

  • And when I run that part of the code, it’s not yet filtered.

  • You want to apply a formula to all the cells that are like #N/D, is that it? Perhaps the best approach is a loop checking whether the value of the cell is the error and, if so, assigns the formula in R1C1.

  • edited the answer, see if it suits you.

  • I believe that the #N/D is not the problem, because with them I stay as far as I should go. Ex: I basically do a PROCV in the OCTOBER spreadsheet and if it does not return will be with #N/D, In the next macro, I will search in the month SEPTEMBER. Always filtering only the #N/D, because they are the ones I want to finish.

  • In this case it would not be better if you do not use the VBA but the SEERRO function? so vc can concatenate all possibilities.

  • The spreadsheets of the months are too heavy for me to use this way. In VBA I perform the opening of them, consult and then close.

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Dim lastRow As Long lastRow = Cells(Cells.Rows.Count, "A"). End(xlUp). Row

I take my column that contains more data, in which case it’s column "A", there will never be a blank cell.

Selection.Autofill Destination:=Range(Selection, "B" & lastRow)

Then I perform Autofill from my current cell (selected), until the column where I will play the form, within the range B & lastRow lastRow, this being the number of lines, from the last cell of "A" that contains data, until A1.

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