How to change the value of having a job in via javascript?


Viewed 73 times


I need to change the text of a label side by Javascript and then reload the page

Follow the code of the label

<asp:Label runat="server" ID="ValorMax" Visible="false">10</asp:Label>

You need to put javascript on this button

<input type="button" id="btn01" value="2" />

I need that when the id="btn01" button is clicked, change the Label id="Valormax" value from 10 to 20

Reload the page

  • I suggest you confirm how you have your code, because what you have put here is incomplete at label level, missing < and >. In addition it is necessary to be more explicit in what you want to do exactly. Change the text for what value ? Based on what ? When this exchange should be made ?

  • I don’t know ASP very well, but if you put document.getElementById('ValorMax').textContent = 20; on the page, this changes the value?

  • Have some technical impediment to do this action via . net?

  • Your question, until a certain point works, after the reload page is lost value and come back 10 again.

1 answer



When the asp:label is rendered, ends up becoming a tag "span" of HTML.

<script src="">
<span runat="server" ID="ValorMax" Visible="false">10</span>

<input type="button" id="btn01" value="2" />

I have tried to answer your question directly because I know you will use this as an example for more complex things. To reload the page just run the code below, I did not put in the example as you would not see the value change.


I put a JQuery, because it is recommended to use because it speeds development, but there is the way to do with javascript conventional without the Framework JQuery.

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