Return number of rows or columns of an array


Viewed 453 times


I have a matrix like this in Delphi XE8: Matriz[2][3].

I wonder which method can I use to return the number of rows or columns in this matrix, my idea is to loop with 2 for's and traverse the matrix elements by inserting them into a table in the DataBase and then retrieve them in a report with the component TfrxDbDataset.

1 answer


For you to walk a Array Multi dimensional it is necessary to make two laços de repetição, follows an example:

  Matriz: Array[0..1][0..2] of String;
  i, i1: Integer;
  //Laço de repetição para percorrer as linhas, i representará a linha
  for i := 0 To High(Matriz) do
      //Laço de repetição para representar as colunas, i1 representará a coluna
      for i1 := 0 To High(Matriz[i]) do
          Matriz[i][i1]; //Aqui estará o conteúdo de cada espaço do seu Array
  • 1

    Sorry, I typed wrong, I’ll correct. Both work, but in Length would have to have a - 1 then not to give Access Violation. High returns the last position, while Length returns the size.

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