How to finish an Activity from another class?


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I need to close an Activity if it has opened, when a certain timer has finished, how do I do it ? because to use Finish I need context.

I tried to cast a cast, but to no avail:

if (dados.getvideorodando()){
  try {
  }catch (Exception e){
     Log.e(TAG,"Erro ao fechar actitivy " + e);

1 answer


You can use a broadcast, which would serve as a system in your Activity.

Whereas you are on an Activity B and are trying to close an Activity A.

public class ActivityA extends AppCompatActivity {
    private BroadcastReceiver broadcastReceiver = new BroadcastReceiver() {
        public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
            // Esse método será chamado ao lançar um broadcast
            // pela activity B

    protected void onCreate(@Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        // Aqui você registra o seu BroadcastReceiver
        // para escutar um broadcast que tenha a ação "meuFiltro".
        // Você pode alterar esse valor para qualquer outro,
        // desde que também altere na sua activity B
            .registerReceiver(broadcastReceiver, new IntentFilter("meuFiltro"));

    protected void onDestroy() {
        // Se essa activity for destruída por alguma outra forma,
        // você não vai precisar finalizá-la pela activity B,
        // pois ela já estará destruída
        // Então aqui o BroadcastReceiver é removido

public class ActivityB extends AppCompatActivity {

    private void fechaActivityA() {
        // Aqui você envia um broadcast e qualquer activity
        // que tiver um BroadcastReceiver registrado com
        // essa mesma action "meuFiltro", será chamado o
        // método onReceive() do BroadcastReceiver
        LocalBroadcastManager.getInstance(this).sendBroadcast(new Intent("meuFiltro"));
  • I’m not in another Active I’m in a service, and I already have a broadcast running, would be able to reuse, not need to create another?

  • 1

    Yes, when sending the broadcast, you can pass a boolean inside the Intent indicating that it is to close the activity and within the onReceive of BroadcastReceiver you take the Intent, check that boolean and close the activity. I am explaining this way, because I believe you already have enough knowledge on Android. If you think it necessary, I can update the answer with what I just said.

  • It worked, I did that Boolean you said, thank you.

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