I always used Phpstorm to edit codes, but because it is too heavy started to hang a lot so I decided to use Notepad++, I always liked it for being very light, but only thing that gets in the way is that I can’t see the hexadecimal colors, all color codes that is inserted the program does not show which color is. In Phpstorm it showed, as in the photo below. Some colors we memorize but on a large site it gets complicated. I know that Notepad++ has plugins, anyone know of any that show the colors of the codes or some plugin? I’ve looked on the internet but I can’t find it. Does anyone know of a solution?
This plugin highlights the color: https://github.com/nulled666/nppqcp
– vinibrsl
I suggest you use the sublime instead of notepade++ it is better and also light
– Costamilam
@Guilhermecostamilam that I know the Sublime tbm does not show the colors of the codes, if show me speaks as active because I have never seen.
– Clayton Furlanetto
@vnbrs downloaded the plugin export, reboot but nothing has changed, seems to have no effect, how it works, need some other configuration?
– Clayton Furlanetto
– Costamilam
@Guilhermecostamilam on this link has my solution, I managed to install and now shows the colors, thank you very much, I will use the Sublime now, vlw
– Clayton Furlanetto