Nullpointerexception in Java web


Viewed 95 times


I’m having a problem in a JSP that should insert a project to my work returning me as an error, this virtually identical an exercise I did earlier, so I don’t understand the reason for the error.


org.apache.jasper.JasperException: An exception occurred processing
[/jsp/projeto/validaInserirProjeto.jsp] at line [14]

12:     Funcionario funcionario = (Funcionario) session.getAttribute("UsuarioLogado");
14:     Projeto projeto = new Projeto(0, nome, descricao, dataObtido, dataEntregue, funcionario.getIdFuncionario());
15:     ProjetoController projCont = new ProjetoController();
16:     projeto = projCont.inserirProjeto(projeto);
    String nome = request.getParameter("NOME");
    String descricao = request.getParameter("DESCRICAO");
    String dataObtido = request.getParameter("DATAOBTENCAO");
    String dataEntregue = request.getParameter("DATAENTREGUE");

    Funcionario funcionario = (Funcionario) session.getAttribute("UsuarioLogado");

    Projeto projeto = new Projeto(0, nome, descricao, dataObtido, dataEntregue, funcionario.getIdFuncionario());
    ProjetoController projCont = new ProjetoController();
    projeto = projCont.inserirProjeto(projeto);

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
        <title>Projeto cadastrado</title>
        <h1>Projeto cadastrado com sucesso em seu inventario, <%=funcionario.getNome()%></h1><br><br>
        <h1>Id Projeto           =  <%=projeto.getIdProjeto()%></h1>
        <h1>Nome                   =  <%=projeto.getNome()%></h1>
        <h1>Descrição              =  <%=projeto.getDescricao()%></h1>
        <h1>Data Obtenção          =  <%=projeto.getDataObtido()%></h1>
        <h1>Data Entregue         =  <%=projeto.getDataEntregue()%></h1>
  • Put the whole mistake, so there’s no way to know where the mistake is.

  • org.apache.Jasper.Jasperexception: An Exception occurred Processing [/jsp/project/validationInserirProjeto.jsp] at line [14] 11: 12: Funcionaio funcionario = (Funcionario) Session.getattribute("Usuariodo"); 13: 14: Projeto = new Projeto(0, nome, descricao, dataObtido, dataEntregue, funcionario.getIdFuncionario());&#xA;15: ProjetoController projCont = new ProjetoController();&#xA;16: projeto = projCont.inserirProjeto(projeto);&#xA;17:

  • java.lang.Nullpointerexception org.apache.jsp.jsp.project.validatorProjeto_jsp. _jspService(

  • You can [Dit] the question and add the error information, so the information gets concentrated in one place

  • Yes, actually from the beginning I had put it complete, but they edited my doubt for some reason removing all the more important part that was the mistake itself. I updated again, thanks for the advice.

  • In valida insert project goes only up to line 36. I’m not getting what’s going wrong.

  • Can you put the most levels of stacktrace?

  • funcionario is void.

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1 answer


Funcionario funcionario = (Funcionario) session.getAttribute("UsuarioLogado");

In this case, there is no employee instance. When calling funcionario.getIdFuncionario() generates the error.

Nullpointerexception is an exception indicating that the application tried to use a reference to an object that was null

  • I’m sorry, but if it is NullPointerException (how the question title points) has nothing to do with the zero value

  • vi now, should have put null, but already corrected!

  • Passing null in the constructor does not cause NPE. What causes NPE is trying to access a method or attribute of a variable whose value is null. And it is often acceptable to pass null on the builder

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