How to use Rncryptor and Firebase?


Viewed 56 times


I’ve been researching ways to encrypt the user data of an Android application that uses Firebase. In this article Rncryptor is recommended, but without details of the implementation. I found this question on the use for iOS. How to do the same for Android?

(I also accept suggestions for other forms of encryption, as I have no experience with this).

1 answer


You can try using the Base64 of the android itself.

import android.util.Base64;

Private String Encoding64(String text){ Return Base64.encodeToString(text.getBytes(), Base64.DEFAULT). replaceAll("( n| r)", ""); }

Private string Decodificarbase64(String textoCod){ Return new String(Base64.Decode(textCod, Base64.DEFAULT)); }

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