Have identifier in a table row


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I’m developing a web application that contains a list of various elements. My idea will be that after a click on one of the elements, it opens a new page with the details of the element clicked. For that, at this point, I have to put something that identifies me the element: <div class="elem" data-id="2">.

Right now, the lines on my list are being put as follows (I am using . NET MVC):

@foreach (KnowAcquisitionParticipant participant in Model.Participants)
    <div class="famo-row famo-body-row" data-is-new-participant="no" data-id="@participant.Employee.ID">
        <div class="famo-cell famo-col-1">
            <select class="famo-input famo-text-10" name="participantID">
                <option value=""></option>
                @foreach (Employee employee in Model.Employees)
                    <option value="@employee.ID" @(employee.ID == participant.Employee.ID ? "selected" : string.Empty)>@employee.Name</option>
        <div class="famo-cell famo-col-2">
            <input type="text" class="famo-input famo-text-10" name="totalHours" value="@(participant.TotalHours.HasValue ? participant.TotalHours.Value.ToString() : string.Empty)" />
        <div class="famo-cell famo-col-3">
            <input type="text" class="famo-input famo-text-10" name="activeHours" value="@(participant.ActiveHours.HasValue ? participant.ActiveHours.Value.ToString() : string.Empty)" />
        <div class="famo-cell famo-col-4 text-center">
            <button type="button" class="famo-button famo-cancel-button button-delete-participant">
                <span class="fa fa-trash"></span>

However, I think that easily someone can change the value of data-id and get you on another page other than the one that was supposed to (I have a process that validates on the server whether or not the user has access).

I’ve been looking at other sites like Gmail or Outlook.com and I don’t think they have identifiers for emails and even when they seem to have, I change but always open the correct email.

How is it possible?

  • You can do that N different ways. This HTML of yours is static or generated with Javascript? You can put this code and/or the code that opens the other page?

  • @Sergio I am using . NET MVC with Razor Views, I will fetch the information from an API and then with a cycle for I put it in HTML

  • Is this for cycle Javascript or server side? You can click [Edit] and put this loop in the question?

  • @Sergio already edited the question and already has the cycle. The cycle is server side.

  • "other sites like Gmail or Outlook.com and I don’t think they have identifiers for emails" isn’t true. In Gmail each email is in one <tr>, example taken from the inspect : <tr class="zA yO x7" jsmodel="nXDxbd" id=":jjj" tabindex="-1" aria-labelledby=":2u" draggable="true">. If you repair the id=":jjj" (for example I changed) is the identifier, and when the change can no longer open the respective email. I invite you to do this experiment.

  • @Isac is absolutely right, if you change the id=":jjj" for something else, the email stops opening but the tests I did was between swapping the id’s of two emails to see if clicking one would open the other but that’s not what happens

  • Are you saying if you exchange email id`s with each other, keep opening the same and not the change is this ?

  • @Isac Yes, that’s it

  • Yes, it does, which means they’re not just based on id. It must also be based on other information

  • Exactly, they must be using another back check. I’d like to know what kind of check they do.

  • I was also intrigued now, when I have a little time I’ll see if I can run some tests to see if I can figure out what they’re doing exactly

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