Modify in real time


Viewed 173 times


I made a simple script with Jquery that changes some texts in select of sizes in a store:

    <option value="">Escolha seu tamanho...</option>
    <option value="476" price="0" data-label="p">P</option>
    <option value="473" price="0" data-label="m">M</option>
    <option value="474" price="0" data-label="g">G</option>
    <option value="475" price="0" data-label="gg">GG</option>

    $j('option[data-label="p"]').text('P - 34');
    $j('option[data-label="m"]').text('M - 36/38');
    $j('option[data-label="g"]').text('G - 40/42');
    $j('option[data-label="gg"]').text('GG - 44');

But, for example, when I choose the size on select, kind of the options update themselves by pulling the child product data.

That is, if I mark "M", it will sort of "refresh the page" (in case update only the select) and what I put with Jquery will disappear, and come back only when I refresh the page again.

I’m a layman still in Jquery, so I thought I’d create a loop, but kind of think it would slow down the site.

How then could I check if the text is the same as what I want or not, in real time, to always stay what I put? With Ajax would it work? I’m asking because what I still know in Ajax is little, so I have no knowledge.

  • "With Ajax it would work?" - Yes. Take a look here (I really think this other answer solves your problem)

  • But there the event is done when the element is clicked, would know me explain how it would be without having to click anything?

  • Lucas click is an event, in which case the event would be change.

  • Dude... use even Ajax, with shooting. Then you put a GIF loading for the person to realize who is loading.

  • Luke your phrase "I mean, if I dial M, it’ll kind of "update the page"" suggests that the page reloads. But a select just by changing the option does not send the page. You can show the code that does this upload?

  • @Sergio if CAN (only if you can) look at this page and select a size, you will see what I am talking about, he updates the select, bringing the product information son:

  • I took a look at the page but I couldn’t find select. Have you solved it?

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