How to receive Client connections => Server, using vpn software?


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I have a remote access software (Client / Server) and want to make the connection between the Client (connects to the Server using a host name) => Server using a vpn software on the Server side, but this is not working.

The server part is similar to this interface:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Based on my research, it is necessary to configure the ip of the virtual adapter of the vpn software for the field DMZ on my modem, as shown below in the screenshot. It turns out that my modem has an ip validator and does not allow to set a class ip To (vpn adapter), only one class ip C.

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

The above procedure is standard for this type of configuration (for Client/Server connections).

OBS: everything works fine when the DMZ is configuring with ip (class C) of my adapter Ethernet (physical adapter).

So, based on my case, how can I receive connections Client => Server when the PC (where the Server part is) is "accessing the internet" through vpn software (vpn connection)?

I hope I explained my problem well :-)

  • I voted to close this question because, despite being in favor of some network themes on the site, this question completely escapes the scope of the site because it is handling in a third party program and not a theoretical doubt of networks that may be related to programming.

  • @Article, theoretical doubts of networks any 1 of the specific area solves alone, it is not necessary to ask for help in any forum. If you don’t understand the subject of this question or something, don’t get in the way, okay? I appreciate the understanding.

  • The stackoverflow is a site aimed at programming doubts, your doubt is about networks, which is beyond the scope of the site.

  • You programming people should only comment/answer questions about programming, what are you doing here?

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