Adaptive Storyboard (WPF)


Viewed 30 times


I have an animation in my WPF project and I wanted to know if there’s any way Storyboard can be responsive.

As in the settings of Margin and Height/Width are responsive marking the auto option wanted to know if you have how to make this style auto in Storyboard animation also.


I have a grid that is 20px to the left and the animation makes it move up to 0px to the left, but it has another animation that makes it go from 0px to left to 50px to left.

Like what would normally happen is the animation would start by setting the grid position to 0px left and then yes would go to 50px left.

It has how to make this animation instead of set 0px then move the 50px pick up its current position and move the 50px?

1 answer


When you do the storyboard and arrow the first keyframe without changing anything it takes the current features of the object so it identifies and adapts the animation to the keyframe you want.

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