How to Reverse an animation (run it in reverse) via pure shampoo


Viewed 49 times


I did an animation Storyboard Abram menuzin and so far so good, I’ve done it before reverting the animation by c#

//pode estar errado mas foi mais ou menos isso
sb = (Storyboard)Resources["Animaçao"];
sb.AutoReverse = true;
sb.Seek(TimeSpan(0, 0, 0), TimeSeekOrigin.Duration);

This works +- but can be used, but how do I make this animation run the other way (give re-verse it) by pure shampoo.

Where I stopped:

<EventTrigger RoutedEvent="Expander.Collapsed">
<SeekStoryboard BeginStoryboardName="AbrirMenuzin" Offset="0" Origin="BeginTime"/>

Ps: I don’t care about duplicating/creating another storyboard, but just re-verse the existing storyboard.

  • You need to put the autoreverse=true option in the animation element, not in the storyboard.

  • Is there any way I can do autoreverse=true just by using storyboard? because like I need to keep this the way it is and only at the time of play it give re-verse.

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