Doubt with creation of projects in firebase


Viewed 212 times


I had several projects in firebase and when I went to create another fired this message: Missing 3 projects to reach the limit, even if I drop them all, which is what I did and the message continues, but a question arose: Can I create a project and add in this project several applications of different types? Type: I create this project: Projectomain and in it I include these App’s: Authorizer, Scheduling, Comprasonline, can I do that? I think so, because what counts is the Server Key and the token and these are related to App and not to the project, right or not?

  • Short answer: yes, no problem.

  • Interesting thing is this. I created an App within an existing project, assigns my Package Name and when I ran Googleservices.json, the package name that was in the other App, the first and not the one I just created.

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