How to take value from a Radiobuton within a Radiogroup to save in the bank


Viewed 2,660 times


wanted to know how I took the value of a Radiobutton to save it in the sqlite bank. In the example below the instructor does as follows:

public class FormularioHelper {

private Aluno aluno;

public FormularioHelper(FormularioActivity activity) {
    campoNome = (EditText) activity.findViewById(;
    campoEndereco = (EditText) activity.findViewById(;
    campoTelefone = (EditText) activity.findViewById(;
    campoSite = (EditText) activity.findViewById(;
    campoNota = (RatingBar) activity.findViewById(;
    campoFoto = (ImageView) activity.findViewById(;
    aluno = new Aluno();

public Aluno pegaAluno() {
    aluno.setCaminhoFoto((String) campoFoto.getTag());
    return aluno;

Mine is partially like this:

public class FormularioProcessoHelper {
    private ImageView ivCaminhoFoto;
    private Spinner spPromotores;
    private RadioButton rbFavoravel;
    private RadioButton rbDesfavoravel;
    private RadioGroup radioGroup;
    private EditText edtObservacao;
    private Button btnDataProcesso;

    private Processo processo;

    public FormularioProcessoHelper(FormularioProcessoActivity activity) {
        ivCaminhoFoto = (ImageView) activity.findViewById(;
        spPromotores = (Spinner) activity.findViewById(;
        rbFavoravel = (RadioButton) activity.findViewById(;
        rbDesfavoravel = (RadioButton) activity.findViewById(;
        edtObservacao = (EditText) activity.findViewById(;
        btnDataProcesso = (Button) activity.findViewById(;

        processo = new Processo();

    public Processo pegaProcessoPraCadastro() {
        Processo processo = new Processo();
        processo.setCaminhoFoto((String) ivCaminhoFoto.getTag());
        processo.setPosicao(radioGroup.); // AQUI, QUERIA PEGAR O VALOR DO RADIOBUTTON SELECIONADO
        processo.setPromotor(spPromotores.getSelectedItemPosition()); //AQUI --//-- SPINNER SELECIONADO
        processo.setDataProcesso(btnDataProcesso.PegarAData()); // AQUI --//-- A DATA SETADA PELO USUARIO
        return processo;

The problem is, I didn’t find the methods to get these values. Both Spinner and Radiobutton’s. The commented lines are where the bugs are!

My Model Class Process:

public class Processo implements Serializable {
    private Long id;
    private String caminhoFoto;
    private Usuario promotor;
    private String observacao;
    private String dataProcesso;
    private PosicaoJudiciario posicao;

    public Usuario getPromotor() {
        return promotor;

    public void setPromotor(Usuario promotor) {
        this.promotor = promotor;

    public String getObservacao() {
        return observacao;

    public void setObservacao(String observacao) {
        this.observacao = observacao;

    public String getDataProcesso() {
        return dataProcesso;

    public void setDataProcesso(String dataProcesso) {
        this.dataProcesso = dataProcesso;

    public PosicaoJudiciario getPosicao() {
        return posicao;

    public void setPosicao(PosicaoJudiciario posicao) {
        this.posicao = posicao;

    public String getCaminhoFoto() {
        return caminhoFoto;

    public void setCaminhoFoto(String caminhoFoto) {
        this.caminhoFoto = caminhoFoto;

    public Long getId() {
        return id;

    public void setId(Long id) { = id;

    public String toString() {
        return "Nome: " + getPromotor();

My User Model Class:

public class Usuario implements Serializable{

    private String nome;
    private String senha;
    private String email;
    private String matricula;

    public String getNome() {
        return nome;

    public void setNome(String nome) {
        this.nome = nome;

    public String getSenha() {
        return senha;

    public void setSenha(String senha) {
        this.senha = senha;

    public String getEmail() {
        return email;

    public void setEmail(String email) { = email;

    public String getMatricula() {
        return matricula;

    public void setMatricula(String matricula) {
        this.matricula = matricula;

2 answers


You need to grab the radio button by the id then get the value of the text from that button. Try this code below.

RadioGroup radioGroup = (RadioGroup)findViewById(;
String radiovalue =((RadioButton)findViewById(radioGroup.getCheckedRadioButtonId())).getText().toString(); 

Routine to save and load:


public static void saveSetting(Context context, String key, String value) {
        SharedPreferences mSharedPreferences = context.getSharedPreferences(PREF_RADIO_BUTTON, Context.MODE_PRIVATE);
        SharedPreferences.Editor editor = mSharedPreferences.edit();
        editor.putString(key, value);

    public static String loadSetting(Context context, String key, String defvalue) {
        SharedPreferences mSharedPreferences = context.getSharedPreferences(PREF_RADIO_BUTTON, Context.MODE_PRIVATE);
        return mSharedPreferences.getString(key, defvalue);

   public static void saveRadioButton(Context context, String value) {
        saveSetting(context, RADIO_BUTTON, value);

    public static String loadRadioButton(Context context) {
        return loadSetting(context, RADIO_BUTTON ,"");

Saving/loading of the preference:

  • Says Edson, all right? So this part helped, but I wanted to know how I saved in the bank, using that method of mine up there.

  • In device database? You can use Sharedpreferences.

  • I edited my answer, see if it helps you.

  • You want to save the object, radiogroup position or selected value?

  • I want to save its value, it can be either its ID or its Text. Saving in the bank, ta of good size.

  • came to test the example that I complemented the up? it saves in the internal bank.

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Do this, create a field in the bank parecerFavoravel BOOLEAN; in the bank and True arrow to Favorable and False to Unfavorable.

Declare a Listener in Radiogroup to capture any action on it as the Example:

radioGroup.setOnCheckedChangeListener(new OnCheckedChangeListener() {
         public void onCheckedChanged(RadioGroup group, int checkedId) {
             //Verifica qual RB foi selecionado
             if(checkedId == {
                 //Radio favorável Selecionado!
             } else if(checkedId == {
                 //Radio desfavorável Selecionado!


Any questions regarding the Radiogroup click capture, check this site:

So just have the object saved to the database normally. If this opinion is from the process, create this field in the process’s DTO and in the database’s Table.

  • Now that I see that you already have a guy on the bench for this, leave him BOOLEAN type and record in him as shown above.

  • You could post the Posicaojudiciario class if it exists?

  • Speak Erivaldo, I took this class Posicaojudiciario, I chose to use a String even.

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