Get return from xml webservice - SOAP


Viewed 253 times


I’m accessing a webservice with SOAP and I need to get the contents of the tag - Message

Follow the return of the webservice.

  public 'Longout' => string '<WEBSERVICE_RET xmlns="">
    <Mensagem>JVBERi0xLjQKJeLjzvU3VidHlwZS9JbWFnZS9CaXRzUGVyQ29tcG9uZW50IDgvV2lkdGggMTc4L0xlbmd0aCA0MDA4L0hlaWdodCAxOTIvRmlsdGVyL0ZsYXRlRGVjb2RlPj5zdHJlYW0KeJztnT+oJUkVxltEEEQEExkRRBBhEUwemBiLIBvJhouZD0QjBYMFwUzYwGgCB0QYFmRhWZARkwVZWEQZ6FCETUxkwVgwLu/cul23uuqcr05V17/uro/DcN99/edUnV99VdX33V2lhg6ix4eH1ikMdac+qZiuap3FSdUnElqf/PZJ6xTOqAsSPVOhro7ROoVzqX8k1LCLutoFEurqFRcwhmNU0F6Q0LpQMRyjtDQSO6JC28UAo7R2'... (length=20439)
  • 1

    the api returned this string ? Tries to use -- simplexml_load_string($string); This will make the string turn xml and then you access as array

  • blz, I’m gonna try.

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