Error inserting into MYSQL via PDO


Viewed 62 times


I just started in the area and came across this situation.

This my code is not inserting in my Mysql.

$pdo = new PDO('mysql:host=localhost:3306;dbname=formularioecofin', 'SECRETO', 'SECRETO');
catch (PDOException $e )
    echo 'Erro ao conectar com o MySQL: ' . $e->getMessage();


  $inserir_banco = $pdo->prepare("INSERT INTO 'formulariodadoscadastrais' (CNPJ, RazaoSocial,  NomeFantasia, NomeResponsavel, Cpf, Telefone,CelularWhatsapp, Email) SET (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)");

        $array_sql = array(

        $respostas['erro'] = 'nao';
        $respostas['msg'] = 'Respostas cadastradas com sucesso!';
        $respostas['erro'] = 'sim';
        $respostas['getErro'] = 'Não foi possível cadastrar as respostas. Contate seu programador!';

Every time I give the Submit it returns "Could not register the answers. Contact your programmer!

Someone can give me a light?

  • Gives a var_dump($new_fields) and sees if the values are valid and fit with the data types set in the database. You can also connect the errors to see better what the problem is. For this you can use this code at the beginning of the script: ini_set('display_errors', 1); ini_set('display_startup_errors', 1); error_reporting(E_ALL);

1 answer


As single quotes are not used for table names:


You can use:


Or not to use:


Crase accents are used only when there are reserved words, space, or some types of non-accepted characters, in normal

Another thing the command INSERT INTO does not use SET the correct would be VALUES

Should stay like this:

 INSERT INTO formulariodadoscadastrais (CNPJ, RazaoSocial, NomeFantasia, NomeResponsavel, Cpf, Telefone, CelularWhatsapp, Email) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)

Being PDO you can add


So you can handle execution errors, it should look something like:

try {
    $pdo = new PDO('mysql:host=localhost:3306;dbname=formularioecofin', 'SECRETO', 'SECRETO');

    $inserir_banco = $pdo->prepare("INSERT INTO formulariodadoscadastrais (CNPJ, RazaoSocial, NomeFantasia, NomeResponsavel, Cpf, Telefone, CelularWhatsapp, Email) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)");

    $array_sql = array(

} catch (PDOException $e) {
    echo 'Erro ao conectar com o MySQL: ' . $e->getMessage();
  • 1

    Perfect William, solved!. Thank you very much.

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