I don’t understand why Empty says the variable is not empty


Viewed 1,485 times


There is a module of Members, where members of a church are registered. By this registration will be shown on the main page the day’s birthday on a jQuery slide. But when he doesn’t have a birthday boy, he’ll show something else. When there is no birthday with dd() (dump() end die()) shows that the variable is empty then I thought to do so see:

<div class="col-md-4 col-sm-4 widget footer-widget">
    <h4 class="footer-widget-title">Redes Sociais</h4>
    <ul class="rslides">
        <li><img src="/imagens/oracao/oracao.jpg" alt="">
    <h4 class="footer-widget-title">Aniversariante do Dia</h4>
    <ul class="rslides">
        @foreach($aniversario as $aniver)
        <li><img src="/imagens/membros/{{$aniver->imagem}}" alt="">
            <img id="aniversario" src="/imagens/aniversario/aniversario.jpg" alt="">

Where if the $birthday variable is empty it will show an image, if not it will loop with the day birthday pictures + another picture of a birthday.

when I make sound if(isset($aniversario)) he enters the birthday loop, but when I change the birth date of the member he doesn’t show the other div with if(Empty($birthday)) does the same thing more the other way around.

This images shows the empty array when no one is doing birthday on the day. quando nao tem aniversariante

Plus if I do a test to see if it’s even empty he says it’s not ex:

    {{ "vazio " }}
    {{"nao esta vazio"}}

And it shows being empty he enters Isis. Then you tell me: So why don’t you deny the condition. It doesn’t work either.EX:

@if(!empty($aniversario)) // mesmo ! negando ele somente faz o contrario mais não mostra a outra imagem
    {{ "vazio " }}
    {{"nao esta vazio"}}

You know what this can be. How to solve this?

2 answers


The right thing would be:

@if(isset($aniversario) && $aniversario->count() > 0)

because it’s a class collection Collection, and the empty will not have the expected effect, because, it checks if the variable is empty, as it is a class everything changes, then check if the variable exists with isset() and then ask if it has items with the method Count().


  • 1

    Truth man. Very obg. Relamente. had to check with the same Count. Plus in vdd it didn’t even cross my mind. Ball show.


You can use the method of the own isEmpty(), would be:



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