Multiple simultaneous Places with javascript


Viewed 48 times


How I can do multiple simultaneous Places without having to do one by one?

Example: I have a formula, in a string format, whose image follows immediately below.

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

I have already calculated all these values and I have to replace these calculated values in USERS.

There’s a way instead formula = formula.replace(totalUsers,"USERS"); one by one, do all these values simultaneously?

  • 1

    Put the text, n]to the image. And explain better what you want. It’s very generic. Replace what with what? Put it like you’re gonna do it one by one.

  • The idea is to be really Generic

  • Gabriel still agree with @bigown that you can give a clearer, text-coded example.

  • Trying to help: It’s something like this you need in your regex? USERS|OPTIONS|MFPCONNECTOR|GATEWAY|HARDWARESOFTWARE|HARDWAREGATEWAY... See here:

1 answer


replace the first time only if you receive a String as first argument. If you use a regex with falg g replaces everyone you meet. I think that’s what you’re looking for:

const regex = new RegExp(totalUsers, 'g'); // g é para multiplas ocurrências
formula = formula.replace(regex, "USERS");

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