Strange values when generating array in a dynamic object in PHP


Viewed 98 times


Follow this example code:

class Object{
      private $keys = [];
      private $values = [];

      public function criarArray(){

           foreach($obj as $key => $value):
                $this->keys[] = $key;

           return $this->keys;


$var = new Object();
$var->descricao = "valor para coluna 1";
$var->preco = 22.1;
$var->data = date("Y-m-d");


We have this exit:

   string(4) "keys"
   string(5) "value"
   string(9) "descricao"
   string(5) "preco"
   string(4) "data"

Finally, where did the keys [0]=> string(4) "Keys" and [1]=> string(5) "value"? How do I eliminate them?

Use unset($this->keys) and unset($this->values) is not a viable option!

  • $obj=get_object_vars($this); Here the class attributes are returned, so Keys and values.

  • So @Diegoschmidt, how to keep only the values I passed?

  • 1

    Do you want this not to appear or that the variable does not exist? Do you need these variables? Actually you need this, it seems to me that it does not. Do you need a class? I don’t think so.

  • @bigown. I need class and variables. I don’t want them to appear.

  • I didn’t understand why you either kill the properties of the class that hold the respective key and value, a dictionary (commonly associative array) solves or just a simple function.

  • @rray, I don’t want to 'kill', so I said unset() is not an option. I just want to save generated keys without saving variables!

  • 1

    What is shown there does not need any of this, I find it easier to say which problem you want to solve because it seems that this is not the solution.

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1 answer


I don’t know the end of the code, a way to take only the 'dynamic properties' and delete the ones defined in the class as $keys and $values is to take the return of get_object_vars() and execute a unset() on the desired keys.

class Object{
    private $keys = [];
    private $values = [];

    public function criarArray(){

        //Código adicionado:


        foreach($obj as $key => $value):
            $this->keys[] = $key;

        return $this->keys;

$var = new Object();
$var->descricao = "valor para coluna 1";
$var->preco = 22.1;
$var->data = date("Y-m-d");


array (size=3)
  0 => string 'descricao' (length=9)
  1 => string 'preco' (length=5)
  2 => string 'data' (length=4)

If you want to build a more enhanced version you can take the properties defined in the class body and add in a new one (privateFields) this should be done in the constructor. Then you can make the difference between the keys in the array of privateFields and the dynamic properties. array_push combined with ... replace the foreach.

class Object{
    private $keys = [];
    private $values = [];
    private $privateFields = [];

    public function __construct(){
        $this->privateFields = get_object_vars($this);

    public function criarArray(){
        $obj = array_diff_key(get_object_vars($this), $this->privateFields);
        array_push($this->keys, ...array_keys($obj));
        return $this->keys;

$var = new Object();
$var->descricao = "valor para coluna 1";
$var->preco = 22.1;
$var->data = date("Y-m-d");


$var->nova = 'outro valor';
$var->nome = 'fulano';



array (size=8)
  0 => string 'descricao' (length=9)
  1 => string 'preco' (length=5)
  2 => string 'data' (length=4)
  3 => string 'descricao' (length=9)
  4 => string 'preco' (length=5)
  5 => string 'data' (length=4)
  6 => string 'nova' (length=4)
  7 => string 'nome' (length=4)
  • Understood, the solution was the unset() of the object. Perfect.

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