npm install 404 error


Viewed 222 times


I started a course of Vue.js and I am installing a feature by Node.js but I am having problems with the npm command, take a look;

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What is wrong with my Ode on this command below?

npm install vue vue-resource bootstratp font-awesome --save

I already uninstalled and installed again Node and nothing!

NOTE: I am using Windows.

  • The error also appears if you test only npm install --save bootstrap? have you tested with Yarn? (yarn add bootstrap)

  • that command you gave me didn’t work, and how do I use it with Yarn?

  • and then yarn add bootstrap

  • I am doing a course in which he is using npm, if I install Yarn I can use the same command I use npm in Yarn?

  • The npm uses the API install and the yarn uses the add, but otherwise they’re pretty much the same. But if you can install bootstrap with the yarn you can continue with the npm and follow the course as it is.

  • Don’t get upset, but I’ll try to make npm work, but if I can I put here what I can solve.

  • Of course I don’t get upset :) The best is npm working. This must be an intermittent problem that will disappear. The idea was to test Yarn to see if it works and eventually not get stuck there.

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1 answer


And just type in this command that will solve the problem.

npm config set registry

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