I am developing a simple C++ program just for testing with a graphical interface but it is not calling the WM_KEYDOWN event, the program is based on dialog. The graphical interface was created through Resedit. Could someone tell me why? Below is the main code of it:
#include <windows.h>
#include <commctrl.h>
#include "resource.
BOOL CALLBACK DlgMain(HWND hwndDlg, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
return TRUE;
case WM_KEYDOWN: // problema aqui
if(LOWORD(wParam) == VK_ESCAPE)
PostMessage(hwndDlg, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0);
return TRUE;
case WM_CLOSE:
if(MessageBox(hwndDlg, "Você deseja realmente sair?", "Confirmação", MB_OKCANCEL | MB_ICONQUESTION) == IDOK) {
EndDialog(hwndDlg, 0);
return TRUE;
case ID_LEAVE:
SendMessage(hwndDlg, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0);
return TRUE;
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
int APIENTRY WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nShowCmd)
return DialogBox(hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(DLG_MAIN), NULL, (DLGPROC)DlgMain);
I just debugged the program, everything works normal but the WM_KEYDOWN event is never even called for any key, would it be any incompatibility of the code generated by Resedit? Because when I create everything by hand (the interface, buttons, class registration, etc.) I don’t have this problem.
– Nathann
What mistake it makes ?
– Dev
The missing quotation marks on
#include "resource.
it was just a typo?– Jefferson Quesado
Yes, Jefferson. I had changed a few things while I was putting the code here, it was just a typo. Matheus, no error is given, the program compiles and runs normally, just nothing happens when I press the ESC key or any other. The WM_KEYDOWN event is not being called, because in tests here I put so that when this is called, show a message on the screen, no matter the key that was pressed and still does not work.
– Nathann