Using multiple js Vue files in Laravel


Viewed 246 times


Guys I am using Laravel v5.5 to start a personal project and I will use Vue.js, I did not find a very didactic content on the internet, as I do to use other files . js??

for example: /js/login.js for login /js/Dashboard.js for Dashboard

I need to configure something in webpack.mix.js? if so, how does it look? I’ve started npm install

  • This may help,

1 answer


I’m not sure I understand your question, but a quick answer would be to import these. js in your app.js, but I don’t know if that’s all you want, so it follows a nice structure that I adopted when I work with Vue.js in Lisbon:

Resources/Assets/js/classes You get all the javascript classes you need, for example:

  • Form js.
  • Utils.js
  • Errors.js
  • ...

Each class is registered globally within itself:

  • window. Form = Form;
  • window. Utils = Utils;
  • window. Errors = Errors;
  • ...


export default class Form




    submit(method, endPoint)




window.Form = Form;

In the Resources/Assets/js/app.js occurs the import of these classes:

  • import Form from './classes/Form';
  • import Utils from './classes/Utils';
  • import Errors from './classes/Errors';
  • ...

At the same time, in the app js. Vue.js is instantiated together with its components, which are in Resources/Assets/js/Components, example:

Vue.component('menu-row', require('./components/MenuRow.vue'));
Vue.component('menu-form', require('./components/MenuForm.vue'));

// Root instance
const app = new Vue({
    el : '#app'

So you have the freedom to create your javascript classes, and use them in the Vue.js components quietly

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