I’m making a Splashscreen from this tutorial. After "finishing" what the tutorial says and while trying to emulate the App, one ERROR appears to me and frustrates me.
Being him:
09/13 01:19:32: Launching app $ adb shell am start -n "hyanhythalo.skyroxterror/hyanhythalo.skyroxterror.Splashscreen" -a android.intent.action.MAIN -c android.intent.Category.LAUNCHER Error while executing: am start -n "hyanhythalo.skyroxterror/hyanhythalo.skyroxterror.Splashscreen" -a android.intent.action.MAIN -c android.intent.Category.LAUNCHER Starting: Intent { Act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.Category.LAUNCHER] Cmp=hyanhythalo.skyroxterror/. Splashscreen }
Error while Launching Activity
How is your Androidmanifest.xml?
– viana
Tried to implant the .apk directly and see the logcat?
– CypherPotato