Email marketing with information via post?


Viewed 35 times


I know it seems impossible, but a leader here in the company, had the idea to put an email marketing already with information that will facilitate registration here for training.

She, in an original way, had given the idea of sending the link to the training registration with the training registration code via URL, so I could pick up via GET when loading the page. Only that she gave a preference that by clicking the sign up button, I could catch him via POST?

Is there any way to do that?

So in this email marketing, there would have to be a way to send a

<form method='post' name='frmCodPromocional'>
   <input type='hidden' value='cod_promocao'> 
   <input type='submit' name='btnEnviar'>

Where cod_promocao would be the code I would send?

  • If I understood right, and in the POST pass the registration code?

  • would it have to be when the guy clicks on the link, upload type idtrein=t005 ?

  • It makes no sense, besides I believe it is not possible... The use of POST is precisely for encoding the url parameters, if not necessary, what is the meaning?

  • Man, you got my question straight? I guess not

  • @gabrielfalieri, rewrite your question, because confused.

  • @gabrielfalieri face, unless the coffee I took have included some substance unnecessarily, I believe I understood, you give to understand(explicitly) that there will be a link containing parameters and values, they are in the url of the link itself, and that you would like to take this value via post on the page referred to on the link... That is correct?

  • exactly, your coffee is not messed up, nor my rs

  • So man, for you to pick up with post the method must be post which is defined in action, post does not send via url, who does this is the method get. The functionality of both does not consist in the mode of "catch" but of sending, it is in the sending that the method is defined, so if you want to see post must send by post, and will not be in the link or URL, will be in a form...

  • Edit the question with the answer of this message

  • 1

    You yourself answered: it is only possible using the fomulário with method=post, However, not all email clients support HTML code, I have no guarantees that the email would work perfectly. If the GET link works, continue with it. From what I understand, only the code of the inscription will be passed and this does not seem to me a data so sensitive that it could not be exposed in the URL.

  • All right, I’ll leave via get msm

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