PHP/Mysql Select products below a value in the table


Viewed 164 times


I need to select the products with the value below 300 reais in which column situacao be equal to 2:

Example: in the shopping table I have 8 products registered:

1 sapato valor 25 situacao 1    
2 calça valor 50 situacao 2    
3 meia valor 60 situacao 2    
4 sandália valor 70 situacao 1    
5 bicicleta valor 120 situacao 2    
6 pc core 2 duo valor 250 situacao 2    
7 notebook valor 500 situacao 2    
8 ipad 8 gb valor 600 situacao 2

I tried to do it like this, but it didn’t work:

$query = mysql_query("SELECT valor, MAX($valor) FROM ofertas WHERE situacao = '2'") or print (mysql_error());
$query = mysql_query("SELECT valor,FROM ofertas WHERE  MAX($valor) AND situacao = '2'") or print (mysql_error());

Being that I need it to be done in the format above or as simple as possible.

  • Try this query: SELECT * FROM ofertas WHERE situacao=2 AND valor < 300 ORDER BY valor ASC that is, selects all values below 300 whose situation is equal to "2" and sorts by the column "value".

  • Be careful with your titles, because yours does not reflect the content of the question, because you do not want to select the maximum value, but products below a value

  • Hello La Souza. See how to ask a good question, so it will be easier to help you.

  • In the last example in $query = mysql_query("SELECT value,FROM offers WHERE MAX($value) AND situacao = '2'") or print (mysql_error());, is running comma in value, from?

  • This was the wrong way to do it, which I posted just to show how I was doing it wrong. Thank you.

2 answers


So to get the values below 300 real, just do this:

SELECT * FROM tabela WHERE valor < 300 AND outrasCondicoes...;

To take with the highest value:

SELECT max(valor) FROM tabela WHERE outrasCondicoes...

To get the most value, below the 300 real:

SELECT max(valor) FROM tabela WHERE valor < 300 AND outrasCondicoes...

Would that be?


I need to select the products with the value below 300 reais in which the situation column is equal to 2:

$query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ofertas WHERE situacao LIKE '2' AND valor < 300") or print (mysql_error());

This deduces that your code is correct at this point and the situation is in text format, if not, instead of using LIKE '2' you should only use = 2, being like this:

$query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ofertas WHERE situacao = 2 AND valor < 300") or print (mysql_error());

The same goes for the 300, if it is in text format you should use LIKE '300'

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