Error "Concurrentmodificationexception" when modifying (insert data into) Arraylist


Viewed 442 times


I am trying to create a small login system in Java.

I have the following classes:


public static void main(String[] args) {

    ArrayList<Usuario> listaUsuarios = UsuarioController.listaUsuarios;
    // Adiciona um administrador padrao ao ArrayList de Usuarios
    Usuario adminpadrao = new Usuario("Admin", "123456", 1);

    String opcao = "";

    while (!opcao.equals("0")) {

        LoginView lv = new LoginView();
        AdminController ac = new AdminController();
        UsuarioController uc = new UsuarioController();

        Usuario u = lv.capturarLogin();
        // Captura o usuario para fazer o login, verifica se ele esta presente no ArrayList e se ele é um administrador. Caso sim, ele vai para o menu de administrador, Caso não, ele vai para o menu de usuario comum
        for (Usuario usuario : listaUsuarios) {
            if (usuario.getUsuario().equals(u.getUsuario()) && usuario.getSenha().equals(u.getSenha())) {
                if (usuario.getAdmin() == 1) {
                } else {



public class AdminController {

    Usuario user = new Usuario();
    AdminView av = new AdminView();

    ArrayList<Usuario> listaUsuarios = UsuarioController.listaUsuarios;

    public void menuAdmin() {

        String opcao = av.exibirMenuAdmin();

        if (opcao.equals("1")) {
        } else if (opcao.equals("2")) {
        } else if (opcao.equals("3")) {
        } else if (opcao.equals("4")) {

    public void cadastrarUsuario() {
        Usuario u = av.capturarUsuario();
        Util.continuar("Usuario cadastrado com sucesso");

    public void listarUsuarios() {
        Util.continuar("Pressione enter para continuar");

    public void excluirUsuario() {
        String u = av.capturarNomeUsuario();

        for (Usuario usuario : listaUsuarios) {
            if (usuario.getUsuario().equals(u)) {
                Util.escreva("Usuario excluido: " + usuario.getUsuario());
            } else {
                Util.continuar("Usuario não encontrado");

However, after I log in with the default administrator and try to register a new user, the compiler (Eclipse) returns the error:

Exception in thread "main" java.util.ConcurrentModificationException
at java.util.ArrayList$Itr.checkForComodification(
at java.util.ArrayList$
at crm.controller.LoginController.main(

That last line of error at crm.controller.LoginController.main( refers to line for (Usuario usuario : listaUsuarios) { in Logincontroller in login verification step

I think it’s some mistake in Arraylist. I’m trying to use a single Arraylist for the two classes.

I wanted help to resolve this error. I thank you from now on.

  • 2

    This exception usually occurs when you try to modify a list at the same time as you try to scan it with a loop. But it is not very clear why the error in this code only. Gives a read at this link, it explains the main causes of this exception and how to solve.

  • 1

    The problem is exactly what Articuno said. Inside this is called the Admin menu that can delete a user from the list while the same is being iterated, generating the exception.

  • I made some changes to the code and it worked. I created a separate method to check the user/password with the Arraylist data, , which returns a variable of type boolean. Instead of calling the menus through the for, I made a if in the main, depending on the outcome of the verification (trueor false), it leads to the respective menu. Thanks for the help.

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